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Community is Everything. Get to know ours with our free live weekly meetups.

Community is Everything. Get to know ours with our free live weekly meetups.


Dear Friends of We Play Well Together,

We take a moment to breathe together in a time of great upheaval - when we are expressing our collective grief and outrage at the systems of injustice in our society.

In addition to being a musical instrument distribution company, We Play Well Together is committed to creating community and holding brave space for connection across distance and difference. In times when words divide, sound and music can bring us together into wholeness. We invite sound to be our greatest teacher. 

We hope that by initiating weekly free gatherings, we can contribute to our collective healing, self-inquiry, and create an ongoing open invitation to gather while amplifying our commitment to love and compassion for all. 

We are here for you in community. 


Sounding Circles Sunday

A Free Weekly Virtual Vocal Gathering 

(You don't even need instruments for this!...) 

We partner with Sounding Circles, inviting you to gather on Zoom with our global sound family. The purpose of this virtual meetup is to come into cohesiveness with one another in a circle of support as well as to provide an opportunity for practitioners of sound to practice self-care. These sessions utilize the Zoom platform as a means to focus our collective, but the true invitation is to listen acoustically within your own space and energetically feel the group presence and resonance across all distance. 

Founder and sound facilitator Joule L'Adara will lead the group into a mindfulness practice to drop into the body and connect with one-another in sonic circle. The medtation is a preparatory step to allow you to feel comfortable enough to engage in deeper self work within the support of community. Joule will then guide the group through a series of vocal invitations to widen your permissions and vocal possibilities. After the sounding concludes, we will bring back our audio/video/chat and share through words to articulate and ground our experience into memory. 

We endeavor to create here a virtual space where all people are welcomed and encouraged to show up just how they are with whatever they are feeling. This is a place to experience your whole self, to feel comfortable enough to express emotions ranging from joy, to grief, to fear, to sacred rage. We invite in the holy fool in us to play in order to reach depth with levity, and we hold space for all the dissonces within us to be emitted out without forcing them to resolve.


Monochord Monday

A Free Weekly Virtual Instrumental Gathering 

In May of 2020, we launched our free "Monochord Monday" series: a weekly live Zoom meetup to connect our feeltone Monochord players and sound practitioners. This weekly series ran for over a year and was a great source of comfort to many of our players who were riding out the worst days of the pandemic in isolation. It grew to feature different monochord players from our community to guest facilitate and inspire one another with their unique gifts.

As the pandemic wore on, we realized we wanted to keep this free series going long term. Now a monthly meetup, we hope to continue Monochord Monday through the foreseeable future!

You can sign up for this free Zoom series and you'll receive the recurring invites and reminders. 

We're Live Every 3rd Monday at: 

7am Hawaii/ 9am Pacific/ 10am Mountain/ 11am Central/ 12pm Eastern/ 5pm UK/ 6pm Europe

(or watch the recording later in your own timing)

Anyone is welcome to facilitate Monochord Monday, regardless of experience level or background. We ask that you attend several sessions to familiarize yourself with our group format and stay within the group's agreements and timing permaeters, then share with us your desire to facilite so we can feature you in an upcoming month. 

Join Monochord Monday! (FREE)

In addition to our free weekly 30-minute meetups, we also have in-depth interactive live intensive virtual trainings. Please see our Online Resources page for more information on our latest Monochord Trainings. 

Previous article Bonus Time Music: Live-Looping with Brandon Blake!

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