These pictures show you examples on how to place the Bodymonochords ( Monolini/Monolina) for a sound massage session.
How to chose the right Monolina or Monolini Body Monochord:
The Monolina and Monolini monochords are built to the same length but different width. The Monolini has 21 strings and the Monolina 34 strings plus a set of 5 bridges that allow to create melodic accents.
If you are looking for a versatile monochord that you also like to play musically the Monolina is the right instrument for you . Here you can listen to the different Monolina's.
If you are mainly using your monochord as a drone and to place it on the body and are looking for a smaller monochord the Monolini is right for you. Here are samples of the different Monolini's
For both monochords the A and C have more overtones and the F and D more bass and vibration. With the D being the lowest and vibration riches instrument.
Our office is in California near San Francisco and we also are working with different therapist, musicians and music stores where you can experience our instruments.
Don't hesitate to give us a call 707-972 0196 or email us@ and we are happy to answer questions, make suggestions and give you the information you need so you can find the right instrument for you.
We also offer a free 30 minutes Skype training with the purchase of a monochord, trainings ,repair services and have replacement strings in stock.
Looking forward to connect,
Your feeltone team.