Monochord Monday Meetup: A Monthly Interactive Webinar
Monochord Monday Meetup: A monthly live webinar gathering for you to play your monochord and meet our worldwide community of monochord players who also love this special instrument.
Every third Monday of the month live on Zoom
9-10am PT, 10-11am MT, 11am-12pm CT, 12-1pm EST, 5-6pm UK, 6-7pm Eur
We've been gathering for Monochord Monday since May of 2020. Hosted by official feeltone monochord trainer Joule L'Adara, each month our monochord players gather to try out different playing parameters and enjoy our instruments together for inspiration, connection, and self-care. This gathering is often lead by members of our community who get the chance to share how they use the monochord (whether Monolini, Monolina, Concert monochord or sound furniture such as the MonChair or Monochord Table) and lead the group through a meditation and playing session. Our Zooms feel comfy and friendly as we all play together in real time but with cameras and mics off so you're playing in your own safe home environment for yourself. At the end there's the option to turn on your camera and sound to say hi to the group, or remain in the audience to view only. Drop in any monthly Monday we're meeting and bring your monochord! (we feature our brand of feeltone monochords but all brands are welcome at our meetups.)
>Sign up for the Free Monthly Zoom Series<
Next Live Monochord Monday: Monday, November 18th, 2024
Featuring Special Guest: Gaurī Rasp
November's Monochord Monday Meetup features Gaurī Rasp as special guest who will be returning to lead us through Sanskrit chanting with monochord. We got to know Gaurī well during the pandemic sessions and are delighted she'll be leading us again live from North Carolina.
>Sign up for the Free Monthly Zoom Series<