Elemental Soundscapes: WATER COLLECTION
At the center are our Monochords: the Monolina and Monolini models gorgeously handcrafted by the feeltone Company in Germany. Monochords are stringed dronal instruments that play a monochrome meditative chord whose shimmering harmonics cascade like light reflected on the water. The feeltone Monochords tuned to D are are the lowest tuning in the product line, guiding the listener to explore the depths of their emotions whilst traveling upon its soothing low sound waves.
The Monochord is the deepest sound layer as all of the other Elemental Soundscape instruments are carried upon it to harmonize intricately with an array of different timbres from the different instruments' elemental components of wood and metal - handcrafted into exquisitely by artisan European instrument builders.
TINKA TONG AQUA from feeltone
ZENKO ELEMENT Aqua from Metal Sounds

KALIMBAS & SANSULAS from Hokema Kalimbas
Hokema Kalimbas are made in Germany with American cherry wood blocks upon which are mounted little metal tines that are tuned to D-minor scales to match our D-Minor Elemental Soundscape Water Collection. The tiny B5 Kalimba is a "pocket kalimba" that is small enough to go anywhere with you and that offers high pitch frequencies that twinkle over the deeper sounds of the other instruments. The B9 Kalimba is a slightly larger and deeper-sounding 9-note kalimba which is quiet, round, and soft. The Sansula has the tines of the B9 Kalimba mounted on a drum head which amplifies the instrument to a louder volume and allows one to play a "Wah-Wah" effect by moving the instrument up and down. The Sansula comes in 3 varieties so that you can choose if you'd prefer a drum-head made of delicate sounding paper (Sansula Basic), a more robust synthetic head (Sansula Renaissance), or a unique goat skin (Sansula Deluxe).KOSHI & ZAPHIR Chimes
Finally, we come to our wind chimes starting with the Koshi Aqua. The Koshi Chimes are made in France and are the original Inspiration for these beautiful elemental sets. Koshis have become a beloved sound bath essential instrument - whether you hold them in your hand, dangle them from a stand, or hang them outdoors for the wind to play. Koshi's close cousin are the Zaphir Chimes also made in France. Zaphirs come in a variety of colors so we've chosen this royal blue to be our D-minor chime. While Koshi and Zaphir Chimes are similar in construction - with a dangling bead that taps tones into metal dowels guided by a wooden "sail" on the string from which the bead hangs - the Zaphir Blue has an alternate tuning as one Ab note brings just a slight sweet dissonance to the chord. It's fun to play with both the Koshi and its matching Zaphir in our elemental sets as you can hold one in each hand and create stereo effects where you hear slightly different tones in each ear.
Be sure to check out our video above where you can listen to all the different sound options available combining these intuitive instruments in different ways! Then shop the D-Minor ELEMENTAL SOUNDSCAPE WATER COLLECTION below:
Elemental Soundscape Water Collection D-minor
TWINKLE TRIO: B5, Koshi & Zaphir WATER (D-minor)
Combine the two lovely Chimes and add the B5 Aqua to add a more complex Twinkle sound Koshi Aqua Chime Zaphir Chime Blue B5 Aqua The...
View full detailsMETAL SET: Zenko Elemental & Koshi & B9 WATER (D-minor)
Our soundscape sets are groups of instruments that are tuned together where anyone (regardless of musical ability) can instantly jam together! In ...
View full detailsMonolina Water collection (D-minor) & Twinkle Aqua Kalimba
The feeltone Monolina in D is the Heart of the Elemental Soundscapes Water Collection. In this video we tuned the monochord to 432hz to match the...
View full detailsMonolini Water collection (D-minor) & Twinkle Aqua Kalimba
Small, light, and easy to play the Monolini is designed so anyone can pick it up and play, while also being suitable for concert performances. Us...
View full detailsZenko Element Metal Tongue Drum: Aqua (D-minor)
From the Metal Sounds Company in France we have another kind of tongue drum made of metal, the Zenko Drum. Also known as a tank drum, we lovingly ...
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