Tambura Monochord = Octave monochord with a Tambura - double sided
Technical data:
- Wood: frame - cherry, soundboard - ash
- Strung on both sides
- Monochord with 30 bass strings in D and 20 bare overtone strings in D
- as well as a 4-string tambura in D, D, D, B
- Size: 129 x 30 x 11 cm
- Accessories: Incl. feet, u-stand, tuning key, tuner, spare strings
- Biologically treated with hard wax oil
- Made in Germany
Matching bag and mallets are available separately
This marvellous octave monochord is extended by a tambura.On one side there are 30 bass strings, on the other side 20 blank overtonestrings and 4 tambura strings (D, d, d, a). The tuning of the monochord andtambura is fixed at D, although this instrument can of course also be tuneddown to the Vedic C#.
The tambura strings are plucked, which increases thefullness, reverberation and buzz of the tambura. By pushing the jiva (threads)underneath, the strings begin to buzz - the tambura comes to life. It is the traditionalaccompanying instrument in classical Indian orchestras, which forms the basisfor virtuosos with its fifths tuning. With the tambura monochord, thespherical, meditative monochord overtone sound can be complemented with thedelicate buzzing sound, adding a typically Indian nuance.