TWINKLE TRIO: B5, Koshi & Zaphir EARTH (C-Major)
Combine the lovely Koshi TERRA Chime and the Zaphir Chime Green, then add the B5 EARTH Kalimba to create a more complex, twinkling sound experience.
The B5 EARTH Kalimba from Hokema is a tiny “pocket kalimba” that is small enough to take anywhere. It produces high-pitched frequencies that beautifully twinkle over the sounds of the Koshi and Zaphir chimes.
The Koshi Chimes are crafted in France and are the original inspiration behind these beautiful elemental sets. They have become a beloved essential in sound baths—whether held in hand, dangled from a stand, or hung outdoors for the wind to play.
Zaphir Chimes, also made in France, share a similar design to the Koshi but come in a variety of colors. We’ve chosen the Green Zaphir for our D-minor chime. The Zaphir features an alternate tuning, where one Ab note introduces a sweet dissonance to the chord, creating a unique sound.
Both the Koshi and Zaphir chimes have a similar construction, with a dangling bead that taps tones into metal dowels, guided by a wooden “sail” on the string. They are incredibly fun to pair in elemental sets. Hold one in each hand to create a stereo effect, with slightly different tones in each ear for a truly immersive sound experience.