Monchair Singing Chair
The 40 String Monochord chair enables an exceptional full-body experience of sound, vibration, and sound massage. Easy to play, and anyone can use it intuitively without any prior musical experience. Monchair effectively supports your therapeutic work bringing joy and delight.
Monochord tuning: 18 overtone strings (d) and 22 bass strings (D)
Tambura tuning: 10 sets of 4 strings (A d d D) repeated
Omchair tuning: 20 strings high CIS in the middle,
both sides: 7 Bass Cis,1 high octave Bass GIS,
1 Bass Cis.
Monchair - Monochord Singing Chair
The Monchair - Monochord Singing Chair is handcrafted in Germany. The monchair enables an exceptional full-body experience of sound, vibration, and...
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A stylish table that can be used for a singing bowl, a relaxing drink or something else. The table is firmly connected to monchair, thus a graceful...
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The wheels can be attached to monchair very simply and in seconds.This makes it easy to move the chair from one place to another. The wheels can re...
View full detailsmonchair replacement strings
If you need replacement strings for your Monochord, it is important that you only use our feeltone strings as they are made specifically for these ...
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The Monochord Singing Chair: Resonance in Music Therapy, by: Joanne Loewy DA, LCAT, MT-BC, Louis Armstrong Center for Music and Medicine
The Vibrational Singing Chair from feeltone, has served as an important instrument to the patients we serve at The Louis Armstrong Center for Music and Medicine at Beth Israel Medical Center in our Music Therapy program.
We offer Trainings - you are not alone

In-Person Monochord Trainings in New York & Los Angeles with Joule L'Adara
Joule L'Adara, MFA is a certified trainer for feeltone instruments. This hands-on intimate intensive workshop will give you the opportunity to play, experience, and learn more about the feeltone Monochords including the Monolini and Monolina body therapy monochords plus the larger Concert and Meditation Monochords.