HOKEMA B9 KALIMBA - Elemental Soundscape Tuning
You can use the B9 Elemental tuning with the different Soundscapes: here is an example for the Soundscape Blue - D-minor Aqua collection.
AQUA - Water TUNING - ♪♫ A D F G A D F A matching B9: L>R: G C D A A F E D A if you would like to tune your own B9 here is the Tuning diagram for the Aqua tuning
ARIA - Air TUNING - ♪♫ A C E A B C E B matching B9: A C C A A G E E B
TERRA - Earth TUNING - ♪♫ G C E F G C E G matching B9: G C C G G F E F B
IGNIS - Fire TUNING - ♪♫ G B D G B D G A matching B9: G B B G G E D D A
The B9 is a small, handy kalimba with a solid resonant body of American cherry wood.
Amplify the sound by placing the kalimba on a flat surface such as a table or on top of a drum.
The Koshi , Zaphir and Zenko elemental are tuned to 432hz which is the default tuning for this B9. If you like the sound but your instruments are at 440hz, chose the 440hz option.
Solid resonant body of American cherrywood.
Measurements: 4.8 x 3.6 x 1.4 inches